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Slack notifications when deployments succeed or fail

You can get notified either on Slack or Pagerduty when a deployed flow succeeds or fails.

Setting up Slack notifications

Follow these instructions to make deployed workflows send a message on a Slack channel when they succeed or fail.

1. Set up a Slack webhook

Follow these instructions on Slack to set up incoming webhooks for your Slack workspace.

2. Find the webhook URL

You should now have a webhook URL that Slack provides. Here is an example webhook:

3. Deploy with a Slack webhook

To enable notifications on Slack when your Metaflow flow running on Argo Workflows succeeds or fails, deploy it using the --notify-on-error or --notify-on-success flags, like here:

python argo-workflows create
--notify-slack-webhook-url <slack-webhook-url>

To get notified by default, set an environment variable


Next time your workflow succeeds or fails on Argo Workflows, you will get a helpful notification on Slack:

slack notification

Setting up PagerDuty notifications

Follow these instructions to make deployed workflows send an event to PagerDuty upon failure or success. You can hook up the event to your on-call policies.

1. Set up Events integration on PagerDuty

Follow these instructions on PagerDuty to set up an Events API V2 integration for your PagerDuty service:

set up event integration on pagerduty set up event integration on pagerduty

2. Find the integration key

You should be able to view the required integration key from the Events API V2 dropdown:

find the integration key

3. Deploy with a PagerDuty key

To enable notifications on PagerDuty when your Metaflow flow running on Argo Workflows succeeds or fails, deploy it using the --notify-on-error or --notify-on-success flags:

python argo-workflows create
--notify-pager-duty-integration-key <pagerduty-integration-key>

To get notified by default, set an environment variable


Next time the flow fails or succeeds, you should receive a new event on PagerDuty under Incidents (Flow failed) or Changes (Flow succeeded).